Hello Everyone! I apologize that it has been a while since I’ve updated my website. Life has been running at breakneck speed; and then… Everything has slowed way down. I can actually think and do the things I have been wanting to for a while, but have had to put on the back burner due to the increased demand of performances, gigs and teaching. As we are all adjusting to our “new normal,” I have been fortunate enough to be able to maintain some of my performances and teaching via various internet tools. Today I have pre-recorded a concert for the Linger Longer Concert Series entitled “Transcendent Guitar; Finding Musical and Personal Connection with the use of our Digital Tools”. A long title, I know, but an important one. I hope that everyone is staying healthy and safe and also reaching out on whatever platform you have to ensure that you are making those personal connections and maintaining a healthy mind, body and spirit. If I am allowed to share this concert, I most certainly will! Keep an eye out of Facebook as I have been posting some videos there to keep the juices flowing. I will be downloading some videos to YouTube and various other places over the next few months while we are in quarantine. I will also be trying to update and maintain my website a bit better. New photos, videos and more to come! Stay tuned!…